Российское участие во Франкфуртской книжной ярмарке 2020

Институт перевода организует российское участие во Франкфуртской книжной ярмарке 2020. В этом году ярмарка пройдет с 14 по 18 октября в цифровом формате. Предлагаем вашему вниманию материалы нашей страницы в каталоге участников ярмарки и программу цифровых мероприятий. Подробнее

Russia’s Participation in the Frankfurt Book Fair 2020

The Institute for Literary Translation is the organizer of Russia’s participation in the Frankfurt Book Fair 2020. This year, the Fair will take place online on October 14–18. We are pleased to present the materials of our website in the catalog of Fair participants and the program of digital events. More

Страница Института перевода в каталоге участников Франкфуртской книжной ярмарки / The Institute for Literary Translation in the Exhibitor Catalogue of Frankfurt Book Fair

Презентации / Presentations: 

Institute for Literary Translation

International Congress of Literary Translators

Children’s Book Publishing in Russia

Publishers of Russian literature in translation into German

Übersetzer*innen russischer Literatur ins Deutsche

Russische Übersetzer*innen deutschsprachiger Literatur

THE BIG BOOK Russian National Literary Award

Books for Young Readers Published with the Support of the Institute for Literary Translation (Russia)

Books of the Future: Kniguru All-Russian Competition for the Best Literary Work for Children and Young Adults

LYCEUM Alexander Pushkin Literary Award for Young Russian Writers and Poets

Bichik Publishing House Presentation

Bichik Publishing House Presentaion: Yakut Frost

A Walk Through History Publishing House: “Transsib” Presentation

A Walk Through History Publishing House: “Mountains” Presentation

A Walk Through History Publishing House Presentation (*.pptx)

YASNAYA POLYANA Literary Prize. A Presentation

Каталоги / Catalogs: 

Russian Publishers: The Choice of the Institute for Literary Translation. Catalog

BOOK CATALOG. The Choice of the Institute for Literary Translation

The 21st International Book Fair for High-Quality Fiction and Non-fiction. 5–9 December, 2019, Gostiny Dvor. Catalog

Встречи / Encounters: 

GUSEL JACHINA “Wolgakinder” (Aufbau-Verlag, 2019): Besprechung und Vorlesung 

The Phenomenon of Mikhail Prishvin. Why are his diaries still read, translated and published?

International Conference “Recovery after the pandemic: Strategies for Survival and Focusing Support” (September, 3, 2020, Moscow International Book Fair)


A special Frankfurt Book Fair event organized by the Elena Shubina Publisher and the Yeltsin Center. Preview presentation of Eugene Vodolazkin’s new novel Opravdaniye Ostrova (Plea for the Island)


A special Frankfurt Book Fair event organized by the Elena Shubina Publisher and the Yeltsin Center. Discussion: “Shamil Idiatullin and Dmitry Zakharov: Alternative Reality or Realism? Where is Russian Literature Going Today?”

A special Frankfurt Book Fair event organized by the Elena Shubina Publisher and the Yeltsin Center. Presentation: “Current Russian Prose: Books of the Elena Shubina Publisher - Bestsellers and New Titles”

A special Frankfurt Book Fair event organized by the Elena Shubina Publisher and the Yeltsin Center. Preview presentation of Leonid Yuzefovich’s new novel “Filellin”

Anne Coldefy-Faucard and Editions l’Inventaire (Paris) / Nouveaux Angles (Moscow) present the book “Eight Billion Cinderellas” as part of “The Writer and the Pandemic” project

A special Frankfurt Book Fair event organized by Elena Shubina Publisher and the Yeltsin Center. Lyudmila Ulitskaya. Presentation of her new book “Paper Theater: Non-Prose”

Philosophy in a Polycentric World. The Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Department of Philosophy at Moscow State University, and Logos Publishing House present the pilot edition of the proceedings of the VIII Russian Philosophy Congress (2020/21)

Revolution der Sterne. Russische Lyrik der Gegenwart / Revolution of Stars: Contemporary Russian Poetry (Vienna: Klever Verlag, scheduled to appear in winter 2020)

Turkic literature. Discussion

Literature of the peoples of the Caucasus. Discussion

Лекции / Talks: 

Writer's talk «Over the Barriers. Russian Literature: Facts and Fiction»

Андрей Аствацатуров: «Что нового у нас в литературе?»
Andrei Astvatsaturov What’s New in Literature?

Лев Данилкин: «Об искусстве литературной биографии, и не только»
Lev Danilkin On Art of Literary Biography (and Not Just That)

Мария Галина: «Россия: утопия и антиутопия» 
Maria Galina Russia: Utopia and Dystopia

Алиса Ганиева: «Зачем писать? О чем писать? Размышления современного автора» 
Alisa Ganieva Why Write? 
What to Write About? A Contemporary Writer’s Contemplations

Майя Кучерская: «Можно ли научить писательству?» 
Maya Kucherskaya Is It Possible to Teach How to Be a Writer

Вадим Левенталь: «Женский вопрос» в русской литературе
Vadim Levental Women in Russian Literature

Андрей Геласимов: «Анна Каренина» forever
Andrei Gelasimov Anna Karenina Forever

Герман Садулаев: «Реальность в жизни и реальность в литературе - разные реальности?» 
German Sadulaev Are Reality in Life and Reality in Literature Different Realities?

Алексей Варламов: «Опыт моего поколения и литература»
Aleksei Varlamov My Generation's Experience and Literature

„Was wir von ‚Oblomow‘ für unser Leben lernen können“ oder „Der erste große Roman zur Corona-Krise“ Vera Bischitzky, Übersetzerin

Alexander Nitzberg (Hrsg. und Übersetzer) liest aus seiner Anthologie »Revolution der Sterne. Russische Lyrik der Gegenwart«

Puschkins Engel und Dämonen. Jugend übersetzt russische Lyrik. Alexander Nitzberg, Übersetzer russischer Literatur ins Deutsche


Initiatives for language revitalization. Vasiliy Kharitonov

Modern literatures of the peoples of Russia. Preservation of linguistic diversity. Alexey Arzamasov


Документальные фильмы / Documentaries

“Dostojewskij und Schiller. Eine freudige Begegnung” (Drehbuch und Regie: Anastasia Alexandrowa)

“Rilke und Russland” (Autorin und Regisseurin: Anastasia Alexandrowa)


Выставки / Exhibitions:

Exhibition: Russian illustrators awarded at International competitions (*.pdf)